Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Kasey Chambers ~ Interview.

^ Kasey Chambers // via here.

Kasey Chambers last played a show in Bendigo with her husband Shane back in June bringing an intimate lounge room setting show to The Capital. I spoke with Kasey briefly about her life and her musical upbringing.

“We weren’t around people on the Nullarbor Plain. No TV, no radio, only exposed to my Dad’s music” explained Kasey. With influences such as Steve Earl, Lucinda Williams and learnt much from her father and husband, one can see where the heartfelt lyrics and melodies come from. Chambers never really knew as a child she wanted to be a musician but being around music, it just came naturally “Music was like TV is to kids today.”

With her musical upbringing it is also nice to see her doing the same with her own 2 sons and creating an album that included children from her family singing on it as well as her father. Kasey Chambers, Poppa Bill and the Little Hillbillies CD was released along side with a picture book by Chambers herself. “Dad came up with the idea for the album and I wanted to do it too and kind of took over the whole thing” Chambers says while laughing, “Though I had had the idea of the picture book for a really long time, about 8 years.”

With how the music industry is like these days pumping out records by the number, how disciplined is Chambers with her music? She isn’t. “I am not such disciplined songwriter; it can take me 3 weeks to months or more to write. I write with my guitar and just go with the flow when it comes to it.”

And for young singer/songwriters she had this advice to pass on to them, “Do things that feel right, be yourself but also be original, as that what makes you stand out.” That she created music and songs that she didn’t really hear on the radio stations.

Kasey Chambers will play to a sold out show tonight at The Capital as part of her tour for her latest CD Little Bird which is out now via Liberation Music.

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