Saturday, July 25, 2009

state of design; artist's on the move 09

Today was the one-day exhibition that was held at the Capital. There were many great artists. My day was long so I am very tired as I write this. I sold three works through out my day which I am very proud of. Loved that a young 10 yr old Maria from Melbourne bought one of my pieces. It was a good day but fairly cold. Below are some photos but I was unorganized and forgot my camera so I had to use my phone and the light was shocking.


Al said...

Hey Kelly its Alice Fraser from the exhibition on Saturday. I became a member of your blog, not really that 'blog-savvy' so excuse my ignorance. Do u have a facebook account? If so let me no and i'll add you. We started uni this week. So far so good, its great to be back in the creative thick of it all again:) Hope to talk soon, we should catch up, we could go see coroline:)


hey alice. i hope you get this comment. i cant seem to click on your name. anyway it is nice to hear from you and yes I have a facebook. if you search it should pop up with me :). that would be great.

Al said...

Hi Kelly-Jayne! I'm so glad we've managed to get in contact. I'll jump on beforedark and add you on facey. Hopefully e can catch up soon!